Eng. Abdel-Halim Mahmoud

Book Author of The

Founding the Science of Humane Rationality

Rationalism Governance Criteria in God Religion

Eng. Abdel Halim Mahmoud has researched in the Noble Quran and religious references for more than ten years and came out with the development of a new theory in religions called the The Governance Criteria in God’s Religion“. The Criteria has been entirely extracted from the Noble Quran, and it governs and evaluates the three requirements of worshiping, namely: Learning, Thoughts, and Actions of believers.

The” Learning” Criteria teaches and governs the needed foundation knowledge to enlighten the believer what is right and what is wrong in God’ religion. The “Thoughts” Criteria governs the accepted thoughts sent down from God, and the rejected ones came from artificial man-made thoughts. Finally, the “Actions” Criteria governs and assesses the right acts and their promised rewards, and the bad acts and their punishments.

The values of the God’s religion are based entirely on the crystal clear verses revealed by the Holy Quran, which confirm that the religion of God is one religion, that had been sent down to all his messengers from Noah and Abraham to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, and the same had been sent down to people in his books: the Bible, the Gospel, and the Quran to enlighten people after the messengers..

The call of the religion of God is one call since the creation of our father Adam, and it  had never been changed, that is to save people from the darkness of worshiping human, stone, cows and the obedience of Satan to the light of worshiping and obedience of one God, the Lord of Worlds, who created people, gave them life guidance and blessings, gave them the life and promised the paradise in the Hereafter for those who have believed in God and in the Last Day, and worked good deeds, regardless of the name of their religion , origin, color, or gender.

The one goal of worshiping God is to reform in this world. The values in the religion of God are crowned by the “No Compulsion in God’s Religion” value. This value is the most constant and consistent values because it aligns all other values and thoughts of God’s religion.

Other values of God’s religion call to build, cohesion, and the cooperation of human societies on basis of knowledge exchange, human values and societal norms, and securing justice and peace, equal human rights of the world citizen, and ensuring the respect and security of practicing religious acts and places of worshiping for people of all religions, boredom and beliefs provided there is no racial nor religious extremism that harms others.

Here is a list of my different researches published on my websites

1– The “Standardized Methodology Criteria for Quran Translation” along with my initiative to establish a new science for Quran translation on linguistic basis, not on-basis of adopting a specific religious doctrine as the current case. I have analyzed most of all current Quran translations and found them all are translated based on the believe of Sunnis or Shiites or other doctrine, not based on the actual words and language of Quran.  So, I have formulated, and published the first draft for “Standardized Methodology Criteria for Quran Translation”, and called for establishing an academic institute to be dedicated for setting and improving the proposed methodology criteria, and for accrediting any Quran translation that would be complying with that criteria. I have proposed the following 5 Criteria for standardized methodology of Quran translation:

1.         المعيار الأول: التعريفات والرؤية الاستراتيجية والمهمة والقيم
a.      أولا: تعريف ما ليس فى صفة ولا فى محتوى ترجمة “النص القرآني الخالص”:
b.      ثانيا: مهمة المنهجية القياسية لترجمة النص القرأنى الخالص:
c.       ثالثا: قيم المنهجية القياسية لترجمة النص القرأنى الخالص:
d.      رابعا: القيم الجوهرية لترجمة القرأن:
e.      خامسا: أهداف المنهجية القياسية لترجمة النص القرأنى الخالص:
f.        سادسا: تصور للعمليات التسلسلية لمشروع ترجمة النص القرأنى الخالص الى لغات العالم
2.       المعيار الثاني: القارئ المستهدف من ترجمة النص القرأنى الخالص
3.      المعيار الثالث: معايير المترجم أو فريق المترجمين
4.       المعيار الرابع: النص القرأنى ومعايير الفهم الموضوعى والتعامل مع ألفاظه ومعارفه
5.       المعيار الخامس: معايير ترجمة النص القرأنى
  • 2- The “Global Strategy for the Muslim World” in 2006 , and revised it on 2011.  I published it in Six articles explaining the Strategic Analysis and Vision of the Muslim World:
1.    المقالة الأولى: تقييم قدرة الأمة المسلمة على حل مشاكلها
2.    المقالة الثانية: التحليل الاستراتيجي لمشكلات الأمة المسلمة
3.    المقالة الثالثة: تابع التحليل الاستراتيجي لمشكلات الأمة المسلمة
4.    المقالة الرابعة: تابع التحليل الاستراتيجي لمشكلات الأمة المسلمة
5.    المقالة الخامسة: تابع التحليل الاستراتيجي لمشكلات الأمة المسلمة
6.    مقترح لإطار عمل الاستراتيجية الأمة المسلمة المقالة السادسة:
o   The 1st Course: Defining The Criteria of the God’s Religion
  • تعريف دين الله
  • درس خصائص دين الله
  • خصائص الألوهية في دين الله
  • معايير العمل بدين الله
  • لا اكراه في دين الله
  • تعريف الإسلام لله
  • تعريف اسلام الوجه لله
  • درس القيمة (النعمة) المضاف في دين الله
  • التواصل المباشر مع الله
  • الإصلاح هو ثمرة دين الله
  • درس الفرق بين دين الله ودين الناس
  • كيف تميز بين دين الله ودين الناس
  • معايير اكتشاف انحراف أي ملة دين الله
  • درس كيفية التوافق مع دين الله
  • معايير الدخول في دين الل
  • معايير تصحيح مفاهيم وعمل أهل أي ملة
o   The 2nd Course: Learning The Criteria of the God’s Religion
  • درس تعلم أسس دين الله
  • دين الله له علم واحد
  • علم دين الله محصور في كتب الله
  • درس منهج العلم الفرض في دين الله
  • تعلم نداءات الله للناس
  • تعلم من آيات “الم ترى”
  • تعلم من آيات التبين
  • تعلم من آيات كشف ضلالات آكثر الناس
  • تعلم من آيات “الم تعلم”
  • تعلم من آيات خيارات الشرع
  • تعلم من آيات “اعلموا”
  • تعلم من آيات “الذين يعلمون”

   The 3rd Course: Applying The Criteria of Learned Knowledge.

  • درجات العلماء في دين
  • عمل العالم متبين
  • عمل الـ “عالمون”
  • عمل “الذين أوتوا العلم”
  • عمل أصحاب الدرجات الشرفية من العلماء
  • صفة الذين أوتوا الكتاب
  • صفة علماء بنى اسرائيل
o   The 4th The Criteria of God’s Dos and Don’ts
  • درس تعريفات الشرعة والمنهاج في دين الله
  • درس الشرائع في نداءات الله للذين أمنوا
  •  درس حدود الله
  • درس آيات التحريم والنهى
  • معايير المحرمات في المفاهيم
  • معايير المحرمات على الحكم والحاكم
  • معايير المحرمات من الأقوال
  • معايير المحرمات من السلوك
  • معايير المحرمات الأقوال
  • معايير المحرمات من المواقف
  • معايير المحرمات من الاستراتيجيات ومسارات الحياة
  • معايير المحرمات من الطعام والشراب والألعاب
  • معايير المحرمات في الزواج والطلاق

 Currently, I am working on finishing the following researches:-

1- The Governance Criteria of God Religion calling for liberal Secularism world, containing the essential-ism and different identities as natural components of the society fabric, and the freedom of individual immigration as a human right of the global citizen.
2-The Governance Criteria of God Religion calling for integrating Muslims within cohesive societies based on custom and citizenship. 
3-The Governance Criteria of God Religion calling a coherent world of believers and non-believers based on mankind knowledge exchange and recognition of the sovereignty and security of different States and peoples. 
4-  A research extracting and developing “A Methodological Criterion for A Global Social and Political Framework” from the Quran discourse directed to the whole mankind, rather than its religious discourse directed to its believers. 
Since 2005, I have been studying the Quran verses deeply for searching that kind criteria and of “Systematic Approach” that could assess and improve the performance of Muslim world life as well as the mankind world. I focused my research in developing a new way to understand the Quran, far from the ancient different faith understanding, and close to the concept of methodological criteria or “Systematic Approaches” that assess and improve human thought, act, behavior, position, strategy, mission, values, mission, and vision. Fortunately, I have been able to analyze Quran verses, and find, extract, categorize and classify different Systematic Approaches and criteria that guide and govern individual, communities, and groups of Muslims and non-Muslims toward a peaceful, civilized, and knowledge-based communities on local and global levels.

Here are some other articles I published on my blogs and LinkedIn:

  • Produced, prepared and presented a TV interview with Dr. Saad Al-Hilally, the Professor of Religions Comparison in Al-Azhar University, for discussing the misleading use of the term “Islam” in non-religious issues like politics, commerce, economics, and radical thoughts.

Knowledge Based & Sustainable “Mankind Organization Model” at One Quran Verse

Defining The Religious Concepts of the term Islam.

The following section explains how my academic and professional background align with my current researches on assessing and improving the Muslim World.

Since I had started my professional career as Process Control Engineer back in 1980, I have been working on ONE MISSION: Assessing & Improving the Performance.  Through my long interdisciplinary professional journey, I have learned, gained, and practiced different systematic approaches for assessing and improving the performance of a process, an organization, a project, a team, and finally an entire nation. I have been ever dedicated to discovering a systematic approach that could assess and improve the Muslim World performance, and its thoughts and acts. I have been focused on the term of Systematic Approaches since I had studied my Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering, 5 years engineering degree with 178 credit hours, in Helwan University, Egypt, 1979, where I learned how to use a systematic engineering approach to assess and improve industrial processes performance in power plants and industries. Then, when I studied IT solutions with IBM and Microsoft of USA, where I learned how to use IT based Systematic Approaches to assess and improve the performance of any business process. Then, I learned the “Baldrige” organizational performance excellence criteria in MN, USA, I served as a member in the Evaluators Board who assess and improve the performance of any academic institution or business organization. I also served as Scrum Trainer to assess and improve the Software development projects. For assessing and improving mega construction projects, I learned In Arizona State University how to use their invented PDRI systematic approach used to review the planning quality of such projects.  In the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), MD, USA, I have learned as a Master Trainer how to use their TeamSTEPPS 2.0 systematic approach to assess and improve, the performance of any team and its leadership.  
The following is my authored professional presentation related to above mentioned different methodologies and Systematic Approach used for performance improvement, published on my Egypt Excellence Website
·         Performance Excellence Model for S/W Organizations​
·         Visualize the Baldrige Performance Excellence (Video)
·         Embed Scrum processes into Baldrige Organizational Management Processes ​​
·         Quality Control for Mega Construction Projects (PDRI)

·         Construction Industry Excellence Center

·         Module #4 of the AHRQ TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Fundamental Course

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